Monday, June 19, 2006

Co-Authoring Trend

I noticed, while preparing to read the James Patterson book reviewed below, that he had a co-author for this book. This triggered the standard domino chain of synapses firing, and I remembered other Patterson books that were also co-authored.

I had to ask myself, why in the world would this commercially successful author needed someone to help him write books? This was a question that I had to answer.

After some searching on the net, a little bit of Partypoker, and 1/2 of a blueberry bagel, I found what I was looking for.


--Is Patterson so benevolent that he grabs an aspiring author up by the shirtcollars, effectively saying, "Here my child! Hitch your wagon to my Star!" while posing for the photogs?

--Has Patterson written so many dang-blasted books that he can no longer grasp that illusive *unique* idea?

--Has Patterson fallen into a deep coma, prompting a greedy agent/ publisher to hire someone to churn out more money makers?

THE ANSWER: none of the above.

Publicity and Money seem to be the key to this mystery.

You see, shrewd Patterson has decided to use his notoriety in conjunction with a struggling writers time. It seems dear Patterson makes the outline, and co-A drafts the first full novel. A round of "change this" or "try something different here" ensues, then out pops a blue-faced spanking new novel a la' Patterson.

Ingenious really. With co-authors, Patterson can mass produce original books (kind-of) that don't suck, while reaping in the extrapolated royalties.

Patterson is a man with his eyes on the prize!