This book, Pen on Fire: a Busy Woman's Guide to Igniting the Writer Within, is one of the most refreshing books that I've read about the craft of writing in a good long while. Like many women who have small beings underfoot, I seem to lack enough hours in the day, and when I do find that illusive moment to write, my (creative) mind just doesn't feel up to it. I don't know, maybe it's the long hours filled with accounting tasks, the eons spent trying to help my kindergartener with his homework, or the house-drudgery that invades my every line of sight, but at the end of the day, my creativity is at a almost-non-existent low. But, ye gods, this book practically lept off of the shelf and into my arms (Praise be to B&N)...
Other than helping me refocus my desires and understand my procrastination, Pen on Fire is a bottom-less cup of joe-- giving me infinite ways to trick my inner muse and dive headlong back into what I am-- a writer. See, it's already helping me blog.
I knew there was a reason that I'm keeping it on the nightstand by my bed!