Okay, so despite my obviously sarcastic blog a while back about Patterson cashing in on co-writing as a way to mass produce literature and thus multiply his earnings, I must say that there is one benefit to Patterson being able to churn out multiple books per year:
Yes, I am impatient. I can think of a half-a-dozen authors that I am not-so-patiently awaiting the next book from, and with Patterson I just don't have to wait. It's instant gratification of the literary kind. Love it!
I finished this book, Judge & Jury a few days ago and, as usual, Patterson has delivered a rather good bit of suspense here. This book involves a two trials for the same crimes, a butt-load of witness intimidation and silencing, and a couple of characters that just won't give up. At the crux of this story is one twisted bastard, a cop with a load of guilt on his shoulders, and one ferociously determined woman. Compelling, fast-paced, worth the time to read!