This is to those of you who have read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code and have also read Angels & Demons:
Am I alone in thinking that Angels & Demons was the far better book?
Da Vinci has illict cover-ups involving the mother of all births (no pun intended) but I felt vaguely let down by the ending. I mean, there seemed to be no big finale. The supposition and art history was fun, but it was like sex without the big finish.

Angels and Demons, on the other hand, had far better plotting, the suspense was top-notch, and I reveled in the art history again. And there was a definitive story arc. This book left me satisfied, unlike The Code.
While The Code recieved more press because of it's controversial nature, I whole-heartedly feel that Angels & Demons is the better read.
Anybody agree?